Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Who would you rather have lunch with?

J. K. Simmons
Richard Simmons
Gene Simmons

Personally, I'd go with J. K. Simmons.

All 3 are independently wealthy, and I'm sure quite interesting people, though I'd have to pick J.K. for a few reasons.

1. Richard is most likely to make you feel guilty about what you ate.
2. Richard is most likely to show up in those all-too revealing short shorts that leave far too little to the imagination.
3. Gene is the front man for Kiss, makers of the Kiss Kasket and other such collectables all sold for ridiculous profit. Hence this makes my think that Gene might be cheap and least likely to pick up the tab.
4. Richard has that annoying grating voice that might make conversation unbearable.
5. Gene may do something with his outrageous tongue, like drop it in the bread bowl or something.

J.K. has a nice voice, and aside from playing a raping white supremist on OZ, seems like a pretty chill guy.

Yeah, if I had to make this choice, I'd go with J.K.